Smart Button panic button app for school safety and security

What is the Smart Button?

Our Panic Button App reduces the time to connect with security personnel, school officials and law enforcement in an emergency. The Smart Button strengthens and shortens response times to a crisis. Our panic button app is a system that allows its user to signal for help by activating the Smart Button on their phone, tablet, or computer.

  • Live connection with school building(s) in a crisis
  • Silent Panic Button Alerts to automatically inform safety team(s) or 911
  • Report incident type and GPS location
  • 2-way Secure Chat system during a crisis
  • Send Emergency Broadcast Notifications to staff in one or more groups
  • EMS module with fingertip access to emergency plans and resources
  • Reunification module for employee/student safety status
  • Drill Management: Schedule, initiate, manage, report and track drill exercises

Organizations can use the Smart Button® system for drill exercises as a component of emergency response preparations for different situations.


Faculty And Staff Can:

  • Send panic button alerts to designated emergency contacts
  • Receive emergency messages to their phones or computers/laptops
  • Automatically send their location on a map
  • Unlimited user downloads

Emergency Procedures And Plans

  • Access emergency procedures directly from their smartphone or tablet
  • Access emergency building plans directly from their smartphone or tablet
  • Update and publish emergency procedures, 24/7
  • Fully customizable and secure

Emergency Notifications

  • Send emergency push notifications to staff during a crisis
  • Create faculty and staff groups by campus or district-wide
  • Send mass emergency notifications to one or more groups at a time

Desktop Safety Reporting App
(Windows PCs)

  • Send panic button alerts with your location from any computer
  • Receive emergency notifications that scroll across your screen
  • 2-way chat about a crisis with designated emergency staff

Setup And Administration

  • Setup and training is easy
  • No special technical skills or staff required
  • Publish your emergency procedures and plans quickly
  • Setup is completed within 24 hours
  • SSL encryption
  • Government level encryption

Smart Button Safety App For Government

Smart Button® for Government is a risk intelligence platform connecting government employees with their triage team(s), security and/or law enforcement in real-time during a crisis situation. Our safety mobile apps empower employees to communicate in real-time with 2-way chat about a potential safety or security risk as it unfolds. You can receive emergency broadcasts and other important information across your mobile device(s) while you are on the go.

  • Live connection with employees and locations in a crisis
  • Automatically inform triage team(s), real-time communications
  • Select to simultaneously inform outside law enforcement, Police and Fire
  • Unified communications with all first responders
  • Incident mapping of building and room locations
  • Activate alerts from any computer or mobile device
  • Automatic alert notifications broadcast to computers and mobile devices
  • Access to safety plans and resources
  • Share your GPS location during emergencies
Panic Button App - Smart Button

The Smart Button® mobile and desktop panic button apps strengthens and shortens response times to a crisis in comparison to traditional old school methods. Organizations can use the Smart Button® system for employee drill exercises as a component of their emergency response preparations

Government agencies interested in learning more about the Smart Button® should contact us at or by visiting us at

Use of GPS running in the background of your mobile device can dramatically decrease battery life.

Should an emergency arise, always dial 911.



Anonymous Alerts, LLC

245 Main Street
Suite 400
White Plains, NY 10601

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